Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Is there a DVI + AudioCoax to HDMI cable available?
I am still looking for a cable that will connect from a DVI port on my PC graphics card and the Coax to a HDMI in on my TV. Is there such a thing?
Capricorns: Would this make you think someone is weird?
from an old Capricorn - that made me LMAO - if you are free to make a move, then for pity's sake don't delay or the poor guy will surely explode! my wife still says I am painfully slow to take a hint - so you may have to spell it out - if in doubt, take the whip with you!
How do I make a doctors appointment for myself?
At kaiser permanente. It's to see a psychologist? My parents aren't taking me seriously, so I've decided to try and take matters into my own hands.
My girlfriend of 7 yrs tells me she wants too be alone and i've never felt so hurt in my life?
we have a 7 yr old son together also she says she still loves me but she needs too do this for herself we don't live together and we never had she tells me that i havn't done anything wrong and that its her but she gives me no reason she just says she needs too do this my heart is broken because i envisioned us too be together forever i really don't know what too do we have a son together and therefore i have no choice but too interact with her i feel so sad and angry at the same time i know its all apart of being heartbroken but can anyone give me some insite on what i can do too help maintain or maybe help me get her back
Guys is this normal, this latino janitor keeps farting ?
Im in this room alone with him and he's sweeping the floors? He keeps letting out farts and i keep letting out loud ones as well, he says we should continue this game, what would you do?
Has Yahoo "lost some of your contacts" & you didn't know about it?
i find that some of my contacts are still on my profile page; and others have mysteriously vanished. I have connected back with some of them; and no one seems to know how this "glitch" has happened.
How can fuming nitric acid 99% be lowered to about 50%?
i have fuming nitric acid 99%...But i need 1 cup of nitric acid 50% how can i lower the concentration of my fuming white nitric acid 99% to get about 50% of concentration
Anybody who's read Go Ask Alice?
I read this book years ago, if I remember correctly it was when they sent her to the mental place because the chain of events that happen afterward and it is all downhill from there.
Can You PLEASE Join my Barclays Fantasy Premier League Code:37936-55728?
i have made a league on http://fantasy.premierleague.com and i need more people to play against cuz we only have a few people cuz it is boring wiv a few people
- - My Pokemon PartY ?? - -?
Dude you should do this the first one is gr use fire second is ground use water third is fire use water and the last elite is pshycic get pokemon that beat each one of those and your sure to win
Math-Free Senior Year?
I was in a pretty similar situation. The colleges won't mind your schedule, but if you go to a university, and study in a CLAS, they're probably going to make you take at least a credit of math. So you may be better off taking a basic math cl during senior year so that you remember how to do it in college. It'd be a shame to do poorly in a university cl because you forget basic rules.
What do you think of my favorite guilty pleasure boys’ names?
Phoenix River is my least favorite, it doesn't even sound like a name. Quentin Xavier is the best, sounds mysterious.
Anybody know more about Yahoo email breech?
Mac's are not usually subject to these things, but they are also not infallible. This sounds like a mail bot, because that's what they do. Blaming Yahoo is the easy way out. They do provide all the protection they can, but ultimately, protecting your computer and your email is your responsibility. The one suggestion I have seen, over and over, is close the account, move the contacts one by one, so she might skip the infected one, and she most likely has at least one infected contact.
Was there ever an economy that was as resilient as the Zimbabwe economy?Ever?
The economy of Zimbabwe has totally collapsed. The Davy family are loaded from running safari tours and their money is not kept in Zim, therefore they are unaffected by the crisis. Mr Davy made his money by an ociation with Mugabe. It makes no odds with his level of wealth where he lives. Do not be fooled for a second that the economy is resilient. THe country is in deep doo-doo and will likely never recover to the standards of Rhodesia.
My baby's Auditory brainstem response shows below threshold suggestive of mild to moderate hearing loss?
What does this mean? What is the normal hearing threshold for a toddler? Does she need hearing aid? Which type is best for a 2 yr old baby?
Would a pond liner work for a dog?
Don't put a layer of potentially sharp and dangerous rocks in a dog pool. Their paws could easily get cut up. Line it with something else...like tarp or something.
David Ortiz = MVP?
If the Red Sox get swept 5-0 or lose this series 4-1 and then end up missing the playoffs, Ortiz has no business winning the MVP. Right or wrong?
Why do i always feel insecure and hard to trust ppl?
tks a lot for ur help!! here are some facts about me. i m a student and i do well academically. my mom earns a lot more than my dad. em..i haven t been hurt by boys or anything...but it s juz really hard for me to trust other ppl...i dunno why...o especially when it comes to relationships...
How much will a iPhone in the ?
a href="http://www.unlocked-mobiles.com/product_info.php?products_id=180" rel="nofollow"http://www.unlocked-mobiles.com/product_…/a
What are some of symptoms of uterine fibroids?
I had a late miscarriage in January. I lost the baby because some sort of tissue has wrapped around the umbilical cord and cut it off. Since the miscarriage I have had light periods, been constantly looking and feeling bloated, and I am very sensitive to touch around where my uterus is. I know I sound crazy but I have been ignoring how I feel for a long time and I just want to know if I have any cause for concern. Thanks!
Good head phones that don't fall out easy?
It sounds like you probably need some grip headphones, skullcandy is the best brand, however they can be a bit expensive even for just the buds. Any bestbuy should have them though. You might be able to get them for around twenty bucks, but they're definately worth it!
We need help, what can I try to get my 10 wk old puppy to p a blockage in the stomach?
Follow your vet's instructions to the letter. Mess around with more home remedies and you could kill it.
I was denied to join the army?
Sorry you break the law the military don't want you. No exceptions right now with the economy the way it is we're having no problems getting eligible recruits so the chance of us openins for you is highly unlikely. Well disappointment is a part of life now go find another job which shouldn't be a problem with your college degree.
Hurt my wrist...what do you think the problem is?
It could be that the bone popped out of the joint (dislocated) or sprained. Worst case it it's broken. If you really are against going to the doctor wait a day or so but if it doesn't' get beter, you'll have to have it looked at. If it's just a sprain it will heal on its own, but if not you'll need to see a doctor..
Heart set on going abroad... what are some options?
I recommend if your going to go south stay on the Pacific side. It is safer,no as many drugs, rebels, ect. Costa Rica is pretty nice.
Anyone shot the Mossberg Tactical Turkey? How does it compare to the Nova Steadygrip recoil wise?
My hunting pard wants a nova to turkey hunt with cost is a limitation he wants to be under 5 bills so autos are out. Has to be a pump and he is not a REM fan.
How Can I "Go Green" while living in an apartment?
Well, turn off anything that is plugged in when not in use. That lamp? Un-plug it. And your phone charger? If your not charging your phone, unplug it. Because even when your electrical things aren`t in use, they still pull in energy. You could also recycle by going to your local bins. And when you go to work, carpool, or even walk. You are getting excersice and you are helping our planet. Just read up on global warming, recycling, and going green, and you could become the greenest in the land!!!
Place to go to remove decal on car?
I have a metal decal on my car and I dont want to remove it myself because i think it will take off my paint so where should i go to get this removed properly?
Which americans benefited most from the tariff of 1816? ?
pretty much none of them. The core issue of the war or 1812 was Britain's need for Hemp yardage & cordage and Napoleon's efforts to keep them from getting it. The Great British armada is nothing but hulks without proper sails.
A question for my fellow Atheists?
None of the above. When I was a child, my mother told me Jesus rose from the dead. I said "no he didn't" And that was that.
Taking a loss on rental property for taxes?
sounds like you may actually have some income there. You can only offset rental income with valid expenses. A mortgage payment is not a valid expense. The mortgage interest is, and then only that portion attributable to the rental activity, which in this case would probably be only 50% of what you pay in interest. Seek a tax pro for istance with this, cuz you probably have other expenses, like depreciation, insurance, etc.
How do you make yourself hit rock bottom....without actually hurting anyone?
Its been said that as an addict, you must hit rock bottom before actually wanting help. I want help, but I don't want to hit rock bottom. How can I coax myself into AA?
Is it possible that I'm pregnant?
Hi. I'm not sure if I am pregnant. I have been on the depo for several years, recently stopped a few months ago. Started on the pill. Was good in the beginning with taking, and did have normal bleed (old brown blood) around EasterApril time. Stopped taking after, and did on and off, so I don't think it was in my system. I have Autism, and that has a part in making me forget. Stopped depo due to needle phobia. Anyway, I have been with my partner alot in the past week and he has came in me every time. I don't have periods, well they havn't become regular as they stopped when I was on the pill. I have felt sickly, been cramping, constant headaches and last day or so I've been feeling very hot, like unusually. I have noticed this was after I found just a streak of very light brown on my panties a few days ago. I want a baby but my partner is not ready. I do feel the need to urinate frequently but I do have bladder problems so I don't know if that's it. Again I have not had proper period since coming off the depo and being forgetful with pill, also don't know when I ovulate due to the previosu contraception. So I really don't know whether a test would be reliable or not. I am worried.
Why do religious people present their faith as fact?
Many religious people say that they dont need evidence to support their beliefs because they have absolute faith in God/the Bible. The word "faith" is defined as: "Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence." That being said, how is it that 'believers' can claim to be absolutely, 110 percent, beyond a shadow of a doubt, certain about what they believe? I find this to be a huge flaw in theism. Simply by the definition of the word faith, people who accept their beliefs without any proof MUST also accept that there is a possibility that they could be wrong. No matter how tiny that possibility may seem to 'believers', it is always there and it cannot be refuted. Every single religious faith; be it Christian, Muslim, Jew or any other contains the same possibility of being wrong. So what makes one faith more right than the other without facts or proof? I'll use an ogy. Using a deck of playing cards, I make you a wager that drawing one card at random, I would pick any other card except for the 2 of Hearts. "If I'm right," I say to you, "then you owe me a dollar. But if Im wrong, then I'll give you $1000". Of course you say you would take that bet. And I reply, "Why would you? The odds arent in your favor. Just give me your dollar now because I know Im not going to draw the 2 of Hearts". But you respond, "How do you know? That card is in the deck and you could just as likely draw it." I smugly respond, "But I wont". You counter, "But you COULD". Again I claim, "But I WONT. Im absolutely sure of it. So strong is my faith and that Im willing to bet a large sum of money on it." I draw a card from the deck, and sure enough.....its the 2 of Hearts and Im $1000 poorer. My blunder was in denying the possibility that I could be wrong, no matter how unlikely it may have seemed. My point being, there is no such thing as absolute certainty in faith because the possibility of an alternate explanation is and will always be there. It is the very definition of the word "faith". I believe Einstein was quoted as saying, "Facts do not cease to be facts simply because people choose to ignore them". And for those people who say, "Well, I DO accept the possibility that I could be wrong in my faith, but I choose to believe it anyway, because I want to be saved". My question to them is, do you TRULY have faith? or is it simply fear of repercussion? Fear of the unknown? Better safe than sorry? If you seriously believe that such a faith is going to save you, why would you choose to worship a God that would accept that kind of pseudo-devotion in the first place?
Monday, January 9, 2012
Should I retake my Chemistry regents?
I love Chemistry and I took the regents (NY state test) and got on the Mastery Level (86-100). I got 86 which is actually an accomplishment for the Chemistry regents. It is being re offered tomorrow and I can't decide if I should retake it and aim higher or if I should stick with what I have. After not studying all summer and being preoccupied, I am kind of rethinking taking the exam. Does anyone have any advice on the matter? Do colleges really care about the 4 point difference between an 86 and a 90?
For those who have whelped pups......???
I think almost everyone will say that they prefer head first puppies. They are easier for the mommy and they are easier for the puppy.
Horrible at sports!!!?
So. I just started my freshman year. things are going preety smoothly. but theres 1 major crisis have. im horrible at sports. i cant dance, sing, act, do art, etc. everyone at my high schools known for something and im not that great or fit into any clubs or sports. i want to be in them but i have absolutley no coordination. most of my friends made poms, cheerleading, football, color guard etc but i feel like im an outcast from everyone at school. help!!!
I need the clubbing website to get photos from saturday night @ ikon in bolton lancs england cant find it anyw
it was saturday 19/01/07 guys come around taking your pics and they said its on the website which ive forgotten can anyone help with the website addy please
Is this team good enough to beat the Elite Four. Pokemon Fire Red?
Personally I dont play pokemon much anymore but I do remeber I did need pokemon in the lvls of 60 at least. Blastose and ninoqueen will help a lot though.
How large would a 2 year old bridal-white spirea be?
I am interested in using bridal-white spirea in my wedding. I was looking through a seed and plant catalog and it is offering them at the age of 2-3 years. I would like to know how large these shrubs will be at this age so I can make a plan. Any information would be help and thank you
GUYS, help me out, pleaaaase.?
Sounds like you are in high school, and at that age guys are well....idiots. Chances are he is afraid of approaching you so he is making him self known by being loud in hopes that you'll notice him. He feels that being sweet to you in front of his friends will knock his image so he wants to maintain his sense of manliness by dissing you in front of his friends. Confront him about it one day, If you see him in the hall pull him aside and ask him whats going on. You may be surprised at the response.
In this warm but wet uk summer, has anyone noticed a pong?
around themselves, not identified, but defo there, even after all normal bathroom activity, ie shower,defuzz, deod, gargle, fresh clothes.....
Ept certainty how accurate?
ok i took a ept certainty test yesterday and it was positive i didn't even take in the morning it was like evening time now i was Reading about this test and theres a couple woman who said they have gotten false positives from this test should i Just go buy another brand to make sure or just save my money i have used ept for my first pregnancy but it the simple two lines one and that on was accurate
Do I sound bipolar to you?
I dont know how old you are .....But it could be a horomone imbalance....it happens in your 30's.... I feel the same way every month.
Partner not allowed to see me for 6weeks upon his release from prison?
Hi,just wondered if someone could help me out here.. My partner has been told he is not allowed to have any contact with me for 6weeks upon his release from prison. Do i have any rights that anyone knows of that could be cled as an infringement of my rights.. There is no reason what so ever why he should not be allowed to contact me. He has been in prison for fighting but me and him have no history of violence. Can anyone help? Its his probation officer that has set these rules.
How often are U.S. Naval Aviators killed or wounded in action and what is the primary cause?
How often are U.S. Naval Aviators in the U.S. Navy and U.S. Marine Corps killed or wounded in action and what is the primary cause?
Who was the first to get away from the shorty basketball shorts?
it was Michael Jordan. He had this ritual that every game in the NBA, he wore his college shorts (UNC). Then he figured that he had to make his NBA shorts looser and bigger so he could feel more comfortable playing. When people saw MJ wear loose shorts, they started to copy him.
Why am I such a failure, what do I do wrong?
I used to be so outgoing and talented. My grades were good and I had a lot of friends. As soon as highschool hit, it's like I became a completely different person. Okay well I lost my best friend after 7 years, she's this huge pothead and doesn't go anywhere without her friend, my mom left and didn't talk to us for a year, then I ended up moving in with her when me and my dad got into this huge fight. She had a boyfriend and we started to really get along going into the end of my freshman year. With them, I pulled all of my failing grades up to A's and B's... and I became more happy and outgoing again. But during the summer I got really depressed again, and switched to a new highschool going into my sopre year. I've been in school for two months now at this new school and I have no friends. None. One girl has even spread rumors to other guys that I want to sleep with them when it isn't true... so now people think i'm easy and go out of their way to avoid me. So my day seemed a little brighter today because I was actually going to do something during the weekend... my grades aren't good, i'm just a sad person. So I asked my mom if I could go to a party with my old best friend who's now just a friend, and she said she didn't know. So I asked to hang out with my old friend that moved over to chicago. (I live in wisconsin now.) and she said yeah, that she could come over saturday, and I had planned for my old best friend to hang out with me at a party friday... so I asked about that again and she said pick one friend. (haven't done anything in literally a month with anyone. I only do stuff with family.) so I started to get mad and said I never do anything and family doesn't count as an activity. So my moms boyfriend gets home and says there's this tutor for math afterschool to help with my math grade. I said I would p on it because it's one hour and 20 minutes long... so he got like furious with me and called me a brat. He said I needed to grow up, to go pout, and said i'm pretty much a failure of a person. So I threw down my pen and said I knew he thought those things of me a couple months before and he's like, well good, i'm saying them now. And I was like, good job for finally saying it to my face. and I went downstaires, called my dad, and now he's picking me up later and i'm never coming back here again. I know you guys are going to call me a brat and say he's right, but I need help. I have no one to talk to, I feel like I missed out on my mom, she doesn't even like me, she changes for all of her boyfriends and I just want her to care about me. All I did was tell my moms boyfriend that I was studying for the tests and getting bad grades, but turning in every homework ignment and getting A's, and he goes and explodes on me. He's never yelled at me before and now I feel like a jack for yelling back. It's so disrespectful and not like me. Can someone just calm me down and tell me what I should do? I feel like I ruined out good friendship. I can never look at him the same way again. I just need a life change.
How long should I wait for last paycheck as a 1099 in Florida?
You should go to your state labor board because you have undoubtedly been misclified as self employed and should be paid wages
Pam in Borat Movie?
What did pam anderson do so bad in the borat movie to make kid rock so mad? I have been trying to see the clip but i cant find it on any website. Can someone help me please.
Remote Accessing Program?
The only remote access programs beginning with S off the top of my head are Sub7 and SSH. Neither are going to be very useful for you. Like other have said, the built-in Windows feature could work. Also try some version of VNC (RealVNC is my preference a href="http://www.realvnc.com/)" rel="nofollow"http://www.realvnc.com/)/a
yeah i doubt ull get jumped but u also shouldnt antaganize ppl like him if ur really that scared about it have an older brother or cousin or friend hang around u after school
What do I say to people who call my college major "fluff"?
I am a communications major and have had multiple people over the years call it a "pseudo" or "fluff" major to my face. I never know what to say to them. How do I make myself appear credible in their eyes?
What stores do you think fit my style?
I want more choice of stores to shop at so plzz help! I like funky things that aren't that girly, but definetly not a tomboy. Possibly bohemian.
What was the last time that made you say "oh for cryin out loud"?
This week. While stopped in traffic, the guy in front of me BACKED UP to let someone in. He crunched my front end with his monster truck. Bummer . . .
I made my grandpa come and now my mom and grandma are mad. Help?
My grandpa has dementia and needs to be watched so he doesn't wonder into the street or start a fire in the kitchen. Last week I was home from school and since my mom had to work and my grandma had to have her dentures repaired, I was asked to watch my grandpa. I love my grandpa so much and didn't mind but I felt a bit weird when I caught him watching in his bedroom. I had gotten a text from my friend Autumn to meet her at the mall since UGG boots were on sale and since my grandpa was watching creepy movies I thought it'd be better to take him out and away from the . Anyways, I got to the mall and everything was fine until my grandpa had to use the bathroom. I stayed somewhat outside the door to wait for him but I guess he told a tall tale to someone in the bathroom that he was being held captive and stuff and they believed him and called the cops. My mom had to leave work early and miss out on overtime pay. Everyone seems really mad at me for making my grandpa come, so how can I make things better?
Depressed, confused loner?
if you need to talk to someone about your week e mail me, ill hit you back brother. making friends is hard. ive got a good grip on my **** and i still find it hard to be social sometimes. keep on going to the y. exercise will release dopeamine and enorphins that will help you feel better. everything will be okay one day pal. sory about your father fiqure. im sure he would want you to be stronge
Atheists: Do you have faith in anything?
I believe that life exists in other planets... this is based on the fact that life exists on this planet. I also have faith that in our future we will see a decline in fundamental dogmatic religion.
How to print a coupon from poweruprewards.com?
So i got enough points to buy a 360 head set and when i hit download coupon it i dont know what to do what do i open it with.When i checked the FAQ from powerup reward it said i would get an message through my email do i have to wait for it?
Help me with my german? (basic!)?
There are a lot of mistakes, as you said you knew there were. It's quite a big text and it would take yonks for me to give you all the directions to correct it. If you go to this website about.german.com they have a forum section you can register and get all this corrected for free plus much more advice on German. I highly recommend it!!
Quick astronomy questions?
First off, you said one question, and this is two. Secondly, these aren't quick. Thirdly, we aren't here to do your homework for you. Fourthly, it would benefit both of us if you stop being lazy and actually research.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Christians, do you see how it's necessary to seek God cintinually because he is a rewarder of those...?
Have you ever been rewarded by god? I mean, really rewarded, by god! Unarguably. specifically, with a reward you can hold in your hand, or show other people, and have them say "Wow, look! A reward from god". No of course you haven't! That's because there is no such thing as god. Never mind Samuel, and Matthew! Think for yourself, look at the evidence for yourself! Take a moment to think, I mean really think, if possible from OUTSIDE the confinements that religion has surrounded you with. Let go! See the REAL light!
If my fiance is changing his beneficary from his mother to me am I required to sign some paperwork?
I am in the state of Texas and my fiance told me that he has switched over the beneficiary on his life insurance policy from his mother to me. However, I have not seen any paper work nor was I asked to sign any. Is he telling me the truth? When I asked him about making the switch...he told me it was taken care of and if anything should happen to him I would get a check. I'm not sure if I believe this?? I could use some help with this one!
Is Australia at risk from a possible Foreign military invasion in the future?
With Australia being a member of both the UN and NATO, I highly doubt that they have any worries of being invaded by another nation. Australia has way too much backup for anyone to be stupid enough to invade them. The US Forces alone would obliterate anyone who decided to attack them, with of course, the exception of China or North Korea. If either of these countries decided to attack, the rest of the world would come together and beat them down. NO WORRIES!!! Plus, Australia has a formidable military of their own with some pretty good fire power. They'd be able to hold off their enemy until help arrived.
My Girlfriend is acting shady. Help please!?
I've been with my gf for about 6 months now and over the course of the relationsship, mainly towards the begining, she has randomly told me, "I am not a skank" or "I'm not easy" on many different occasions. What the hell does this mean??
What type of cable does at&t uses for internet? can you get free cable tv with it like comcast??
u dont get free tv with either. at&t normal uses copper wires. at&t u-verse (which you can get tv package $100 for every channel but HBO and video on demand and 3.0 mb speed internet) u-verse uses fiber optic cables. i use at&t. video on demand is really good. and you can get up to 3 hook-ups and 1 of em can record. all can use video on demand. you can rent the modem for $2 per month. and you get a 2wire modem for u-verse. which has up to 8 ethernet ports. i dislike comcast because their wireless is really slow.
Does barium harm humans?????
no, its not absorbed by the body. Drink lots of water though or it might harden up in your colon. Ouch.
Best friend issues? What to do?
So my best friend alicia was not in my cl this year (movin on to 7th grade) and she became really close lately with this girl that was in her cl named Darcy. And I thought well thats fine whatever I could just make friends with Darcy. But this girl is really stuck up she acts like she's so cool and it pisses me off! My other best friend named isabel is moving! So she won't be at my school next year. Right now I was texting Alicia and we were playing questions. I asked her a question and she said I don't know. I said you have to answer thats how the game works. Then I changed the question a little Anne she said that's not how me and Darcy play. I dont know why but that really made me mad and I just stopped texting her! What do I do to get her back? I've known her since 4th grade and it already seems like all my friends are slipping away
Tattoo around the wrist?
Is this one of the most painful areas to get one? I have tiny, bony wrists, but really want one there. Where is the least painful place to get a tattoo?
IS IT A SlN????????????????
To be followed around by a large group of midgets wearing identical jump suits and break in to song and dance at inappropriate times? Ya know like right after a doctor tells his patient that she can not have a baby, then we bust out "5, 6, 7, 8 ... The sun will come out to-mor-row!"
I need so much help with philosophy, Alfred North Whitehead?
What a sheer coincidence. My close friend is also doing the same exercise. He has started compiling lot of material in consultation with our mentor and with the help of some of the Central Library books. I am trying to help in all possible ways. I will surely like to share our findings with you also. Please wait for some more time. Have patience. All the points mentioned by you are also being covered in our exercise. Don't worry.
Are abortion free in dc?
so if a 20 year old is 2 month pregnant. and her boyfriend is unemployed and broke up with me last sunday. and she already has 2 kids which are 5 and 4 and that other lose er the kids father never pays child support. and will the 20 year be allowed to get a abortion for free in washington dc, she has no health issuance her younger one gets wic and ebt cards
Rate me out of 10, please? Also, how old do I look..?
how many times is it you have been on seeking reurance , its time to let go of this obsession with your appearance and move on you are a nice looking girl and need to accept this and move on .
Why Is My Dog Growling When Woken?
My 2 year old lab/retriever cross has started growling if at all disturbed when woken. Even if someone taps him he will wake up, whip around and aggressively growl with bared teeth. Its happened twice already and we need to fix it ! Whats wrong?
Mom owes me $9000 and I can't stand it anymore?
I would sit her dawn & have a serious talk with her. I know it would be hard but I have heard about alot of people going through family courts to get the money back. You can explain that this has nothing to do with her but you need this money back. It may be hard to prove she used them so you may want to a way to make her sign off on something stating that she does in fact owe you the money.
I love the tech advances in desktop computer hardware.?
I'm 19 years old and I have latley found a love for computer hardware. I dont understand the inner workings of processors, gpu's, motherboards, etc. but am very interested. I would like to go to school and research computer hardware design and trying to make hardware more powerful, efficient etc. What should I focus on in school in order to recieve a well-paying career in the field of computer hardware development, building , innovation and design? What companies would I most likely work for? Thank in advance, Kyle.
Mastador or Daniff (Mastidane)?
lol! Mastidane? For some odd reason, that power rangers theme song comes in my head. ha!! anyway, I'll star this for my contacts. Prepare to get flamed. Flame on!! lol!! your question is funny!!
Itchy ?
i would put destine or preparation H on/in it...maybe you should ask your mom...and have you tried a hot towel and just place it there for a couple minutes try to do this three or two times a day for a month...
Is this a good thesis statement for my Essay?? Any help will be appreciated?
No not at all, they had visioned a compionate, well progressed, self-sufficient, considerate towards the less fortunate america.
Why does Fallout 3 constantly crash?
The fallout 3 game already has problems with freezing due to the fact the game itself cant process the gameplay the more data u have saved. So that scratch may just be too much for the game to handle. The farther u get in the game the more it will freeze because it countinually saves more and more data.
Are the LA Clippers destined to be the most loser NBA team in history?
It's bad enough that they are the ugly stepsister to the Lakers. But just last week, it was the top of the world for the Clippers who had Baron Davis on board and a "discreet" agreement with Brand to come back. Now Brand is going to Philly and Maggette is going to the Warriors. The Clippers went from projected playoff contenders to back to suck again all within a span of a week.
Where could I buy a red dress,like Gabriella wore in High School Musical?
I am going to a fancy dress party in a few weeks and was hoping to go as Gabriella Montez,from High School Musical, but I have no idea where to find a red dress!Please help!
Three erflies on a flower?superstition?
what does this mean?is it a superstition ,omen?please help me i cant stop thinking about what i saw??
How to install a new network in macintosh?
I can't use the internet even I set up so many time. I set up a wireless network before, but now I want to use the cabble network now. How can I set it up? it's not automatic.
In fallout new vegas how do i kill Legate?
Im Trying to kill legate for Mr.House in "All_or_Nothing" but he just goes unconscious. I dont know what to do! i cant finish the quest and i haven't saved for a looong time. is there a cheat to make him un-invincible or not engage me in combat any more long enough for me to talk to him??
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Wizards of waverly place queston?
today a new episode was shown, does anyone know a link on youtube showing it or what it is called please? because i missed it.
Web site dedicated to bad cops and bad civil servants Opinions please?
i agree with the last answer. bad cops should be revealed in criminal court and in subsequent civil suits for consitutional violations.
Any advice for a first-time winter driver?
go to a parking and practice stopping, first slow down and second dont get in a hurry and if it get realy bad out stay home
A good basic graphic design program?
My absolute fav is Xara. Affordable and the best there is. Put a photo in the background and draw on layers to make artwork.
Effects of Absence without leave. What could be the repercussions?
If you only worked for them 2 weeks, then just stopped showing up, most likely they won't take any legal action against you for not giving the agreed-to notice, they'll just write you off.
Anyone have a small dog that's afraid of other small dogs but loves big ones?
my six pound papillon loves dogs much bigger than her. My sister has a corgi and corgi/american eskimo and she loves to chase them and smell them and get them to play with her. Even my sister's neighbor's giant black lab she loves to sniff and he cries when she's around. haha but when she's with little dogs, like my friend's boston terrier and pug, and they try to sniff her, she quickly sits down and starts to almost shake. I think it's so funny. Anyone else's dog do this?
Is ex-wife calling too much while Son is with me?
During my periods of possesion, my ex-wife is calling every night and sometimes every morning and every night. Our Son is now 7yoa and seems to become disconnected from me for a short time after the calls. The last 3 weekends that he was with me, I have not taken her calls. I tell my Son that she called, that she says she loves him and that he can return her call if he wants(he never does). Our time togethor has been so much nicer. He is better disciplined, has a stronger appetite and seems generally happier. I don't know if it's just a phase or if it is related to the non-contact. Maybe, he can focus on US without interruption? I've adopted the same policy while he's with his Mother. I tell him that I'm available anytime if he wants to call. At his age, there's not much of a telephone conversation, anyhow. Are there any resources that would confirm this theory? I'd like to address her, but she's very overbearing and will deny my ideas. Whatcha think?
Could a 3 yr old child get in trouble on purpose because she likes the negative attention?
Sometimes kids act out when they aren't getting enough attention, so then they are getting attention. Negative attention but it is attention. It doesn't mean anyone is doing anything wrong with her, but it would be useful to give her more attention. Just say hi, chat with her, sit down with her, play with her, etc. And when she does something good or nice, even if its just little, give her positive attention for it. Like "Thankyou, mommy really appreciates that" or "that was so nice of you to do for so and so because..." explain to her why what she did was good but make your explanation short because she will lose attention span.
My parents are going to court soon to decide custody, I am 15?
i know that voicing my opinion will still make an impact (possibly) with the judge to decide who i get to live with but my parent, my dad, will probably not want me to go for this reason. Can i just get a ride to the courthouse on the day and time to speak or what are the legal procedures that i need to partake in to speak?
Im going on holiday with my family and a family friend and i really like him?
how could i start things up with him im a bit shy but with him being a family friend i cant talk to him and have a laugh he likes me to cos he told my friend and i wanna take things further what would be the best way to do that should i spend loads of time wiv him and.....dunno help lol
How do I get a difficult roommate to move out?
Do you own the home? If yes, simply mail one certified AND post one on his door and take a photograph. I you don't own the home, you can't kick him out, only the LL can do so.
Time for the Prozac?
To help alter the mind naturally try some fish oil once a week to lower Cholesterol and to increase blood flow take a half a Multy vitamin drink more apple Juice Orange Pineapple etc our drink plenty of watter this will help rejuvenate the mind excesses try herbal teas stress relief immunity booster etc I love jamba Juice follow these directions and you will live a long time ps stay away from soda pop Doc Unop.
I have no imagination. Would you help me?
He is losing big amounts of hair because it turns out he has cancer :(. But this doesn't get Hazika down. The doctor tell him he is not going to live. Everyone is sad and crying about this, but not Hazika because he is strong and faithful. You can say he died at the end for dramatic effect. But put it in so he is positive about it. Like he tells everyone to don't worry about him. Like that country song "Sissy's Song"
How long /UPAcongress will commit atrocities in the name of "dawud in dubai"?
Indian politicians are 10000 % hippocrates in every respect. Can any Indian politician match the vision & calibre of Malaysia's Mahatir Muhammed who showed results too in time bound manner converting a poor nation in a rich nation in 2 decades & stepped down saying his task is over & his age too doesn't allow to remain in politics any longer. New persons come & occupy the places. In India, politicians undergo heart byp surgery, not being able to walk or stand but want to stick with seats indefinitely to earn black money through corruptions for their generations to come.
Why was it so easy for Europeans to enslave africans and to colonize Africa?
Africans sold their own people to the English/Spaniards/Portugese and it sucked for those people because they were enslaved for who knows how many generations.
Is it even possible to start a relationship from friendship?
Sounds to me like she just got out of a relationship and she doesn't want to make you her rebound..she just got out of a relationship and doesn't feel like shes ready to start "dating" again this quickly..but she likes you and she wants to get to know you better..she probably feels that using the label "friends" right now is alot less pressure and would make her feel more comfortable until shes had some time and feels ready to start dating officially..breakups make you think about all the things that caused the relationship to go wrong..maybe we took things to fast etc..she wants to take things slow, she just brokeup with the guy two weeks ago..if anything shes trying to be fair to you and not agree to date you until shes able to be emotionally all in..plently of relationships grow out of friendships..some of the best ones actually because you really get to know each other as you really are..none of that showing them your best self that occurs in dating..If your ok with taking things slow and just hanging out as friends first and see where it goes from there then great..tell her that your ok with that and your willing to get to know her better through friendship with the potential of it becoming something more someday but its her call. She sounds like a genuinely good girl. If the chemistrys not there at the very least you gain a friend.
My parents think I am socially challenged (figuratively or literally, I am not sure!)?
You're an introvert (as am I), comfortable in social situations but you choose not to be in them. It sounds like you are comfortable with who you are, your parents need to adjust their perspective and realize that you have your own way of doing things that works for you. Ultimately they just want you to be happy and if they are very social people it may be hard for them to understand that you are happy being less social.
Long distance relationships...?
i really like this boy ive been talking to n we've been together almost 2 years(september 12) but he lives in Virgina... i really love him n i talk to him almost everyday n i know wat he looks like cas he texts me pictures and stuff n he wants me to marry him as well. i really like him and he says he wants to asks but he doesnt wanna rush me. i love him alot but im kinda scared on what to do? he was also talking about coming to my senior prom with me as well. please help...
How to change a perception?
My girlfriend left me while my world was spiraling. lost my job, started not caring about anything, and she moved out. i did all the bad things you shouldnt do, beg, pleaded, talked to relatives, etc. Turns out I had untreated ADHD which worsened my depression over everything. Aside from moving on, does anyone have any advice on ways to paint a more favorable picture of me in her head? I hate going out like that, and I cant stand someone looking down at me...I obviously would like to rekindle things at some point, but she has seen me at my worst...
The AT&T Commercial rethink possibility how do they drop orange ds all over? is it trick photography?
never seen the add they we dont have at&t in new zealand, if you had linked the add i could proberly have answered you
Where can i buy grammy awards DVD without credit card?
unfortunatly i live in a country that hasn't any international credit card services.i want grammy where can i buy it without credit card?
Can my inlaws evict me through courts?
No chance. You can not reside in property you do not own without the agreement of the owner. They want you out, so you need to leave.
Is there any name that you absolutely despise but that you adore the nickname for?
then why dont you just call your child a nick name like loads of people name their kids like becky and not rebecca
Who will join me to congratulate Mexico?
Anyone who is a regular here knows I'm as big a USA fan as there is, but I want to be the first to say "congratulations" to Mexico and all their fans. Great win! Well deserved! What a win for Mexico, and for all of CONCACAF. I'm tired of Euros and S. Americans telling us how we don't know soccer. Great job. Special note for Rafael: I love you man! Celebrate!
PLEASE HELP! I moved my Xbox 360 with the disc inside and I think I just screwed it up. What am I to do?
You only need to replace the disc. Or you could look for a disc cleaner, sometimes they work well. If either of those don't work then get a lens cleaner for your Xbox. I hope this helps.
Should pro-gay-marriage advocates organize a boycott of dictionaries and other reference materials?
Changing everything written does not make it honorable. Marriage is between a man and his wife and the only place is honored. In any other way it is a sin.
What size breech does this translate into?
I have a pair of large irideon breeches that are great, but their falling apart so I need some new ones. I was looking in the closeout sections of dover smartpak etc. and I can't find the same ones, so I need to know what size these would be. I was thinking I would need a 32 or 34 possibly a 36 but idk which one is more accurate I wear like an 11/12 pant size. any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks
Girls-just been dumped?
Can anyone recommend a feel good novel?NOT Bridget Jones...i want sommit to make me feel good,not pathtic and desparate lol!Thanks x
Ok, I really want to start off by saying that this is not a joke. Please tell me what I should do!?
I consider james yang one of my best friends, but something horrible happened that made me rethink all of it. He wasn't picking up his cell phone, but his front door was unlocked. So i let myself in and went up to his room. James and his roommate Chris were both blindfolded and "helping" each other out. If you understand what I'm saying, please tell me what I should do. I'm honestly stuck and I'm not sure if they noticed I was there. I went back downstairs and I kept yelling his name, and as soon as I got back to their room, they were both on their computers. This is the most awkward situation I've been in and I don't know what to do. Once again, this is not a joke!
What are the laws in international waters?
are there any laws in international waters? apart from military laws on wmd (weapons of m destruction) ie - if a person murdered someone on a ship in international waters, are there laws there to cover this & where would trial take place?
Why didn't God make me in the year I wanted to be born in?
I always hate my life,I have very bad anxiety vey bad but I always felt like I should have grown up in a timelike 1920 which would fulfill my phycological needsbut why wouldn't God listen to me?
Who is to blame for the financial crisis in the US (pls see details)?
As a Christian Man, I would say we have replaced God in exchange for Idols (Houses, Cars, Cloths). We have increased our possessions, while reducing our value. Most people don't know that the most talked about subject in the New Testament is Money. It is actually a sin to go in to debt for foolish reasons and immediate gratification. The underlying reason in my humble opinion is we have turned away from God.
Friday, January 6, 2012
---> Plaiting hair to create waves... I need tips! Help (pics included)?
I want to acheive a look like this - a href="http://www.olsen-twins-news.com/newsimages/july-2007/mary-kate-olsen-weeds-showtime-tca-press-conference-july-14-2007-01.jpg" rel="nofollow"http://www.olsen-twins-news.com/newsimag…/a - and have tried scrunching my hair with mousse etc, but the waves are too big. I've heard plaiting my hair then leaving it overnight will get a look like this, but I've tried so many times before and my hair ends up a huge, frizzy mess, with no waves or volume at the top then harsh waves beginning halfway down my head! I need help lol! Any tips? ♥ x
Would Croation people get offended if I did this while I was over there?
Honestly... a couple of those lines sound a bit predatory no matter where they're employed. Flirting and chatting are fine, but "you're extremely attractive" is not polite, nor is "you're fit", because it sounds like you're judging them on something they can't alter. That is the aspect of this you should change to something more charming. Flirting, winking, laughing, and acting interested in their ideas and words are perfectly gracious, but blurting out what you think of them physically is not elegant at all.
How can these hypocrites who revered Martin Luther King hate on Rev Wright?
People are petty. Any little thing they can come up with to hate is usually good enough for the pathetic type people.
Ok so i just got a monroe piercing...?
It is 100% normal because of the length of the jewelry. 2 weeks is a good amount of time for a monroe to be changed because that's when the swelling has gone down unless you have an infection or haven't been taking care of it. If it's driving you nuts after 1 week and the swelling is mostly gone go in and tell them you want a shorter one and they should do it.
You cannot harm another with your thoughts you only harm you?
When you get mad and we all do at others cutting us off on the highway, not watching where they go etc...rudeness and no manners ....When you wish bad upon others does it really come back to you??? My mom always says never wish bad on others because it will come back to you what do you think??HAHEHE
I'm becoming more forgetful?
I used to be able to remember things easily, down to the tiniest detail. Since 8th grade, I've completely lost that. I always forget to do things even right after I was told to do something. Just this week I forgot to turn in two ignments and I got 0's on both of them, even though I did them. I forgot to buy my books for English cl, etc. I just forget the stupidest things. I take something downstairs and I remind myself to take it back upstairs, and I just leave it there until I'm looking for it. I've lost several expensive things (like my phone in Florida), and my mom's starting to get pissed at me. I don't know what's wrong with me and this is starting to get really frustrating.
Baby Name help, pleaseee?
Wow, congratulations! But honestly, I would keep his name. It's her child, and she obviously really liked the name. I think it would be kind of mean to change that. Maybe you could just give him a nickname, or call him by his middle name. But of those names, I like Nathan.
What diapers should I use??
I can't recommend cloth diapers (especially the prefold type) enough. They are cheap (about $300 will get you to potty training age, then you can use them again on baby #2), easy to clean (a prewash, regular wash, then an extra rinse. that's it- no bleach), easy to use (my husband prefers them to disposable), they don't cause as many blowouts, and they are far and away better on the environment. The amount of water that it takes to produce a disposable,let alone energy to package and ship it is far greater than the few gallons used every 3 days in a wash cycle. As an adult you actually use more water just by flushing the toilet! I can't recommend them highly enough. Oh yeah- the "ick" factor is very small, esp. if you plan on feeding.
Does it look good to have a double major/minor for law school?
It might impress the people at Columbia Law School. Mostly they look at LSAT scores and GPA. I would burn any free electives on logic courses because the LSAT is very heavy on logical reasoning.
I am 27 weeks. Anyone know any good doctors in miami dade area?
I am from new york and was forced to move to miami. It is very different down here. Looking for a doctor has been a nightmare as docs down here are very conservative in regards to giving birth. Also I have an issue with clear liquid leakage. Dont really know who to go to as the docs i've seen so far are not on point.
Are romance novels bad for women?
Yes but thats the point, besides it started when you were younger then that try Diseny movies, Diseny has been giving women unrealistic expectations of love since they were to young to feel that way about somone. its a socialogical nightmare, if your intirested you should read a book called "White Wedings" i studied with the women who wrote the book. She is nice, take a gender studies cl they get into all of that buisness.
Stitches still bleeding? Is it normal?
No, go back to your doctor and have it looked at, any bleeding that hasnt been told to you that would happen is serious, it could just be that they left the stitches a little loose so any infection could just come out by itself, but I would check it out, it doesnt sound normal to me, hope you are okay, goodluck! :)
Fascism:How does it affect our life's?
my defination fascism would be a government which relies of corporate power and type 2 imperialism to help stimulate the economy (nazi germany, the united states). fascism indirectly affects us because theyre not issued gov;t restrictions and are given a lot of power to do what they need to do. ive observed a lot of corps. in the us violating environmental and workers rights. we can stop it by turning the states into a socialist democracy (its slowly becoming that today) and by stopping the corporations. examples...nazi germany, italy, japan, the us, pretty much all recent empires.
How would you accessorize this dress?
1st of all, i don't think it is overprice. i think it was a steal!! anyway, i think u should tie it to the front, pair it with a cute pair of hoop earrings, the new chanel necklace, and cute heels or ballet flats..
My brothers and sisters in Christ do you ever fear that we may see a pseudo Christian version of the Taliban?
Lately I am concerned that many feel violence is the answer to all problems. Such as the best way to discourage abortion. While I am pro-life I cannot condone killing to stop killing. Your thoughts please? Are you concerned? I pray for peace here and abroad.
How to i act? what do i do? i need advice ASAP!!!?
ive been threw alot because of my mother. ive been hurt alot!!! im scared to let anyone near my heart and ive became bitter! im nice to everyone else but my bf!! how can i become a nicer person? how can i let this go and trust hm more and stop worrying? i cnt help it! i want to get rid of my bitterness please helpme!!!
Small red spots under armpit? not sure if same as sweat rash?
Sounds like you could be allegic to soap, your deoderant, or have a yeast infection (eat a bunch of real yogurt). You can also go to a healthfood store and get a probiotic if you think it is yeast. Its not that expensive. Is it fungal... try a medicated powder.
This is new opportunity of West Bengal and tourism to develop -can they ?
I think some boats are available for hire near that Ganga river Ghat from Kumartuly to Diamond Harbour .I saw lot of people have boat ride in the evening on the mighty Ganga .This can be truely an enjoyments in Kolkata in line with kashmir Dal lake Shikara ride but unfortunately Our tourism dept ,people have spoiled the atmosphere coupled with some vested interest ,spoiled minded pimp .So people just fear to explore this wonderfull place of Ganga for a memorable ride in a boat having some bhatiali songs on the back ground make the atmosphere truely romantic .I think during moon light night ganga ride can be mesmeric and romantic than any where in the world provided people travel with out any fear .I dont know why West Bengal tourism missing such a huge revenue generation bus when people spend huge ammount of money for such boat ride in Kashmir and Kerala that too losing life in Kerala boat tragedy .I think from Kumartooly to Diamond Harbour ,Ganga can give huge money to tourism dept if properly utilised for tourism with all kind of safety and precaution to people
I need help! I think i tore my ACL!?
Could be your ACL or another tendon or ligament tear or stretch, depends on what kind of action you were doing at the time. I would definitely go to the sports injury clinic as they would have athletic trainers who see these kinds of injury's often. They will probably recommend that you go back to the doctor. But in the mean time go buy a brace that supports your knee so you are not putting as much stress on it as you would other wise.
How many licks does it REALLY take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?
I think its like 4,553 or something. I might be totally off, but you could always just google it. =)
My boyfriend discovered my hidden secret. I feel extremely lonely. What are your secrets?
I lose girlfriends who find out about my criminal record, military history, and my gutter mind. Lonely? Sometimes. Lose your boyfriend, he's a ****ing ***hole.
Whats the name of this techno song gosh! lol!?
theyres this awsome soi listened too along time ago and i wish i knew what it was called. but certain parts of the song theyres a female voice and a guy voice from time to time thats like "lonely, lonely loneleh lonely lonely lonely lone!"and towards the end or later on in the song theyres a male voice thats saying "im moving on, im movin oooonnnn!"
Directv is being weird....?
hey. my directv is being really weird with the channels. earlier today, it was fine. when you pressed guide, all the shows coming up on that channel came up. i turned off the box to watch a movie. when i turned it back on, the tv worked but every channel says "to be announced..." would this be a problem with my box or a problem with the company orr what??
Do you think the USA will get the Olympics in 2016?
Yea like You said it'd be too dangerous and Obama is just doing this to boost his ego. Chicago? Really? When I think ok "Good Ol' Chicago" I don't see a olympic banner! It would just be a embarrment to the U.S. anyway, so I hope not.
What am I to do when a friend hurts me?
My best friend had a rendez vous () with a boy I liked but I dint find out about it till after I had with them it only went on for a week bt/ them. me and him was only a one time thing though I forgave her, so I thought but I still get mad when I think about it, I just cant forget. What do I do???
What ever Happend to Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon?
well, times have changed. I loved all thoes shows you put on there! some of them I almost forgot about! but, yeah times have changed and us "kids" got older. now, it's all about this and that. but, I understand what your saying. we grew up and things got "hipper" which in my opinion other than a few shows I don't think so. but, you get my point. btw, pauly shore dont forget him! he had his own show on nick way back in the 90's
Does this look O.K.? I mean, the pictures of my mom and cat?
Wow girl you are so lucky to have such a gorgeous cat! Luv it! :D Your Mom's make-up is very unique and cool too.
Ouch,will you kiss my thumb? kidding?
on the other side of the rainbow?? if you was my friend i would definetly not count on you... way too far...
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Thinking of getting a cat, do you feel we have the right situation for one?
I think it's really based on your budget. Cat litter can range anywhere from a couple bucks to about $40 last time I checked. Coupons are great things. ;) As long as your child and your dogs are good with cats and someone will be able to give it at least the minimum amount of attention that it needs (vet care, feeding/watering, basic grooming, etc) you should be able to get one. Look for a cat, since you won't have a lot of time to devote to socialization. Make sure it's good with children and dogs (preferably in that order) and look at it's grooming needs. Short hairs are great, but they can shed a lot. Also, look at the breed or it's crosses. Cats with smashed in faces tend to have respiratory issues, while some cats can be diabetic, which is even more work. I hope this is some help to you!
So there's this guy.., been seeing each other secretly?
ive been seeing for a few days.. and we're like very intimate., he says he wanna have and make me his own., like you know., uhmm so i dont know if i should give it to him., im stilla virgin.., what do you guys think., im 17 yrs old.,
Are there any vocational schools that work on cars that need to be fixed at a cheap cost?
I live near Downingtown, Pa and was wondering if there were trade schools that work on cars for family that needs help.
Is silver(grey or white) hair cool?
I just want to get a little ideas from everybody,i am 13 years old and i want to turn my hair color to sliver(grey or white) is this cool or it will be weird?
"The Giver" Questions?
Your question contains 13 questions and I don't think anyone will answer them right at one place, so try to ask only one or two questions at once.
Why do people discredit actors-actresses for their beliefs (and dont tell me they dont)?
Tom Cruise was a Scientologist for quite a long time. It's when he started making a spectacle of himself on news programs that he lost POPULARITY not CREDIBILITY. He's a very good actor (IMO), one of my favs. But I wouldn't join any political party, church, or social movement based on his inflouence.
I'm looking for a mascara that lengthens and really makes my eyes stand out but doesn't clump?Any suggestions?
maybelline great lash in the pink and green container is a great one. also, cover girl has 2 - lash exact and volume exact. both have a special brush that does not hold a lot of mascara so it does not clump. if you try anything else, remember to wipe the brush with tissue before you apply. good luck!
Do you think there will now be a push to impeach Bush?
I'm surprised to read people saying that there are more important things to do. What's more important than at least investigating an executive who broke US and international law? If we ignore that it sets a very dangerous precedent in my opinion.
When should i wash my hair?
I'm trying to figure out when i should wash my hair. In 7th grade i used to wash it every day. Now i used to wash it every other day switching between head and shoulders ( i got dandruff) suave for men and some Pantene shampoo ( eh they were on the bathtub so i used them all). Then i did it every 2 days. It still was too dry so i waited a week. it looked fine but it seemed kinda unclean to me 0_o. So when should i wash my hair and should i switch shampoo? ( i'm kinda west indian if that helps and my hair's long) Oh and my mom bought some Sunsilk shampoo+ conditioner for dry and damaged hair ( i don't use conditioner) so ... ugh yeah 0_o
How many calories should I eat at 14?
Well, im in good shape, a great six-pack coming on, and I easily eat over the 2000 recommended daily probably about 35000 it depends on your genetics and I do a lot of sit ups and press ups in my room so this helps as well as rugby. I am a 13 year old lad though. Try sit ups for flat stomach or a gym.
A plank 2.00 cm thick and 15.8 cm wide is firmly attached?
A plank 2.00 cm thick and 15.8 cm wide is firmly attached to the railing of a ship by clamps so that the rest of the board extends 2.00 m horizontally over the sea below. A man of m 92.5 kg is forced to stand on the very end. If the end of the board drops by 5.10 cm because of the man's weight, find the shear modulus of the wood.
Hey everyone,i ve got selected in sastra univ(mtech comm sys) bt ve got a call letter for councelin in ssn?
i need to knw wic college is better, i ve askd my dad's frnds nd othrs wen i *** to majority it s down to 50-50, nd i need sum1 wo has graduated in these coll to ans tis ques coz they ll knw more abt it. thanks in advance
I feel like my insides are coming out!?
Ok this is really weird. Over the past few weeks my abdomen has been growing. I have attributed it to pms bloating since I was supposed to start my period 2+ weeks ago (I have taken 2 negative pregnancy tests, so I am fairly certain that is not the problem), but still no period and my belly is huge. I look pregnant, no exaggeration. So I noticed when I went to the bathroom the other day that the insides of my are sort of poking out when I sit down to pee. I have already had a problem over the past few months with my intestins poking out a little (sorry about the tmi), a symptom I have tried to ignore because it grosses me out. I am now wondering if the two are ociated. A couple of other things: I have been gaining inexplicable weight (mostly in my abdomen, but everywhere else too). I am a personal trainer, and I know how to eat right and I work out hard, which makes this all the more frustrating. I am also very moody and I feel the need to sleep all the time. I am so tired! Any thoughts?
Too overbearing???
so i think i need my best friend more than she needs me...its hard cause im constantly missing her ever since she moved away. i know she misses me too but it just doesn't feel the same. we used to text 24/7 but now she has this new friend so not so much anymore. i hate thst we never talk anymore but i just can't say anything. should i just let her move on. its not like i haven't said anything to her about the way i feel so maybe its her way of telling me to move on...is it? am i being too needy? what would you do if you realized you were loosing your best friend and they didn't seem too worried?
I've been offered a job in Canada, how do I make this nice and legal?
I'm uming you aren't a Canadian citizen, so you probably need to get a green card and/or working papers. It's probably a good idea to do both things you mentioned above: talk to a lawyer, or go to some type of center...I think perhaps the DMV might even be helpful.
Is Sarah Silverman the most racist, wicked, demented comedian alive today next to Sacha Baron Cohen?
Did you see her on the MTV awards last night? Why did she get away with Satanic jokes towards Paris Hilton, calling an actor a "dirty Pollock", Cameron Diaz "a white girl with a Hispanic name", Superman a "racist movie", and MTV producers racist for showing Samuel Jackson's reaction to her joke? Does she get away this because she is Jewish?
Has anyone got the marina coil and had slight pain near the cervix while having ?
I have had the marina coil in for 2 months now. I have had no problems with it but recently i have started to get slight pains near my cervix when having . What could it be - infection/pregnant? Anyone with any advice would be great i dont want to waste the doctors time if its just going to be nothing. Thanks, Sarah x
Question: I just got my nose pierced...?
I always used a q-tip. I finally took mine out though when a doctor told me that if it gets too infected the cartilage can start to deteriorate. He told me that he had heard of a case where once deterioration started it continued even though the ring had been removed. I don't know how often this happens but it scared me bad enough to let the hole close.
Can evolutionists handle the concept of 'catastrophe'?
Such as a near miss by a smaller planet ripping pangea apart? Tearing the Americas away from Europe-Africa? Thus pulling the mountain chains up by the mive tidal effect on the crust of the earth that it would have caused?
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Action/Comedy movie Q?
What movie is where in the begining these two cops have guns and have to go around town killing people and the pedestrians have guns, like an old lady does. It takes place in Great B, or london or the UK
Help with a relationship?
Sounds questionable, i dont know if you should trust her especially when things arent adding up, sounds like she might be u and this other dude. Women think just cuz they cry the men feel sorry granted this is true but some women use this as an advantage. I would deff break up you dont need this type of girl in ur life in HS theres plenty of girls to choose from, bout myspace its friggin myspace maybe she just hasnt changed it myspace isnt the friggin world just so u know, but i wouldnt trust her good luck
Why is my dr. concerned that I might have a miscarriage?
At 4 wks. my first hcg level was 134, 2 days later it was 222, and 4 days later it was 901. I had a sonogram today at 5 wks. and dr. saw the yolk sack which was implanted in my uterus. The age of the embryo was 5 wks, 1 day. Said my levels were low in 4th wk that's why he's concerned about miscarriage. I don't understand why. Can anyone help?
What do I need to do to a 1990 mariner that has been sitting for at least 10yrs?
I have a 1990 Mariner that has been sitting in a shed for about 10yrs. what will it cost to get running? I haven't tried it yet I'm just uming it needs new seal, gaskets, etc.
Got mugged - feeling nervous now - what do I do?
I am soooo sorry, I can't imagine how you are feeling right now. I would suggest going to see a therapist that deals with this kind of trauma, at least they did not get you wallet with you address in it, praying for you.
Was Dr, Seuss prophet or a deity?
He was a prophet. For example in One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish the Blue Fish is Iran, and THe Red Fish is the United States. Clearly One fish and Two Fish are where the Tigris and Euphraties meet, meaning Iraq and the biblical garden of eden. He is clearly predicting our final showdown at Armegeddon. Also Fox in Sox is George W. Bush, he predicted his presidency. Cheney is Mr. Knox, sir and The Iraq war is the er Beetle Battle. And Green Eggs and Ham predicts the turning of America into a facist state, like today.
Is using a microwave to cook food safe? Does it change the molecules to inedible substances?
Sorry I don't have a source but microwave radiation dehydrates your food. The energy in this radiation excites the food molecules to heat them as particle speed is directly related to heat. Water boils out of the food - that's why it can sometimes taste a little odd. The food is not supposed to retain any ill effects- the radiation doesn't linger in it to be consumed, but any studies as to the effects will be difficult to perform for a number of reasons: Probably the most glaring of which is our cell phones which are microwave emitters which are almost certainly harmful to us. Thus we are all exposed to microwaves all the time. I wouldn't worry too much about microwaving food but I would use the cell phone sparingly.
Pregnant women, How old are you?
Just curious, since I'm so nosey, lol. If you are pregnant or even TTC how old are you?? I am 25 and 13 weeks pregnant!! Congrats and Baby dust!!!
What are some fun things to do in Dubrovnik Croatia?
I am going to Dubrovnik Croatia on a cruise... Any Ideas on what to do?...Also they need to be kid freindly...no nightlife
Why hasn't chris brown been arrested for what he did rhianna?
Because he turned himself in before that happened, duh! Get your facts straight if you are going to talk about someone.
A great breakdown of Obama's misguided economic policy. What do you think? ?
off the subject, but this is a lie...why does McCain proudly state his character as a POW, many times and not tell the truth??? McCain tells everybody that he didn't give military info, when he clearly gave in to his captors??? McCain book, clearly states that he gave information to his captors, and i quote, " i regret very much having done so." read his book, conservatives you are being duped. go to politifact.com for more of the truth
How do I become a Holistic Nutritionist?
I really want to get into Holistic Nutrition but, I want to find an online college that offers this. Can someone give me a little advise on what colleges might be right for me? :)
Lol if a man gets physicaly overwhelmed by 3 or more girls on a bed - and he hasn't said yes or no ?
I suppose it is technically, but who would want to complain at the pleasure given, unless they are queer.
Error on mail? usps..........?
If the above tracking is for the bars then your USPS letter carrier will deliver today. He may leave in front of door if to large for mail receptacle. If signature is required and nobody is home, he will leave a notice in your receptacle and you can make arrangement for a re-delivery or pick up at the local Post Office.
What is the difference between lower back pain and kidney pain?
I tore my ACL, meniscus and dislocated my knee a year ago. I have been limping/walking differently since then (limping before and after surgery and just walking f'd up because I'm relearning how to walk normal again). Well my knee has been getting a lot better but on the 4th of July I was told I have a blood clot in my leg and now am on Coumadin aka blood thinner. Recently I have a very dull achey lower back. I don't have dark urine in fact it is almost clear so I'm pretty sure there is no blood in it. So is it because my walking has been out of whack or because of the blood thinners? I get my blood drawn next monday and I plan to tell the pharmacist to see what she says. I just want to hear what you all think.
Orthodontic TADs and forcus (bite jumpers)?
I recently went to my orthodontist to discuss the second phase of my treatment, which is braces. I was told that, as part of the treatment, i would need to get two special appliances put in. One is a TAD, or temporary anchorage device. The other is forcus (pronounced forces), also known as bite jumpers. I was wondering if anyone out there has had them in the past and could tell me if either of them are painful or affect your speech in any way? Are they visible when you're talking or when you open your mouth? Also do they affect what and how you eat? And how long generally did they take to work before they came off (i know everyone is different, im just curious)? I'm going on freshman year at a new school, i made cheer team but id rather not be known as the girl with the lisp because of her clunky braces. I appreciate any help possible. Thanks! :D
Freaked out today, how can i prevent this from happening again?
When you feel the rage starting to build go outside immediately and either jog or brisk walk for 10 minutes or so until you cool off, then go back in, that way you burn off the anger in a ehealthyway and don't get into trouble for throwing a hissy fit.
Hey Brits,I understand that the genius in your gov.adopted Sharia Law.?
Are you people asleep at the wheel..that is the first step to national suicide ! My God whatever happened to your national backbone ? Where is the genetic magical strain from Churchill,Maggie Thatcher and your anciet heros.....
What is more appropriate for Full Gospel families?
I want to, in essence, dedicate my son to the Lord, kind of like a Christening, I guess. I want opinions on what you all think is the most fitting ceremony to do this following Full Gospel beliefs. Any Scriptural reference would be most helpful, and I welcome counterpoints with reference, so long as they are kept civil and not rude or disparaging in any way. Any inapporpriate replies (vulgarity, spite, rudeness, etc.) WILL BE REPORTED!!!!! Likewise, I will choose a best answer. Thanks!
How much can I drink without getting to messed up?
I've never really drank before but I know my dad use to and he was the kind that could just keep goin at it an drinkin a ton and it wouldnt effect him at all and my mom was kinda the same so does that mean I can to or not since I've never drank before . So how much will be too much
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
My maine coon cat has Dandruff?
Your cat has likely had dandruff for awhile, just not very noticeable with the longer fur. It can often be cured with a better quality diet. Look at the ingredients on your cat's food bag. If you see corn, wheat, or by-products, your cat would likely benefit from something better. Grain free or a canned food are generally the best options. You can also add fish oil to his diet, either from the pet store or you can use the capsules for humans. If you use the capsules for humans, poke a hole in the end and squeeze perhaps half of it onto his food daily.
I feel like no one likes me...?
I like you because your not slowly killing yourself just stick the way you are your perfectly normal
ITunes replacement?
next time you plug in your ipod click on manually manage music, which means it no longer syncs it, but you have to move it into your ipod yourself
Telescopic waterproof, lash blast or revlon 3d?
i really like Maybelline Great Lash Mascara (waterproof)...no flakes or clumps and holds a curl...plus it's cheap!!!
Why are my brakes still locking up?
1991 isuzu pickup driver side front brake locking up. I have changed the pads and the caliper and didn't notice any leaks anywhere. What else could be wrong?
My Mac is remotely connected to Dave-Desktop. Please can you help me with this intrusion?
When I open my Macintosh HD, under a shared tab to the left, it shows dave-desktop and dave-nb. When I try to connect, it will fail. I want this removed immediately. Can you help me get rid of this strange thing. Also I checked my shared settings, and they are all OFF.
What do yall think about people banning god in america ?
now in days people are trying to get what is written on the dollar bill "in god we trust'' out what do yall think about that ? and the pledge allengence to the flag they also said u dont have to say one nation Under God and indivisble ...... ! that is so not kool this country was founded on God pilgrims believed in it and we have been blessed becuz we have god in our side ! give me your thoughts !
Before navy boot camp?
Hi i would like to no how i can prepare fore boot camp im trying to put together daly plan right now i way 280 pounds i need to get to 220 and i would like any suggestions fore a regiment and do i qite my job and fokus only on geting redy
Can you please give me some constructive criticism on a story I'm turning in for English? Please?
I saw her walking to the house, like a fly drawn to a fire. Sauntering down the path in post-alcoholic pride, her thoughts dizzy with intoxication, ambling with no sense of the monumental loss she's just had. Maybe she'll wake up, hungover, the next day and call me being incredibly sorry. Maybe she'll call me when she's 27 from an AA meeting and thank me for the nights I saved her life. But since I know her, I know she'll just never realize it. She'll spin and jump and pirouette her way into the future, blissfully unaware, dying unashamed and unabashedly proud of the nights like this. As her back receded into the horizon, an old melody resurfaced to me. I didn't know the title, the artist. But the crooked beat flickered into focus in my mind. I called out to the night, I fought every urge to run after her and follow her or drag her back with me. But I knew this death had somehow resurrected the song in my head. I knew it was one or the other. I knew that one could be there for me infinitely more then the other. So I had to sing, in sake of me, to save me. I let the lyrics pour out of me as they materialized in my head. I wanted to make something tangible from the song, turn it into something so strong and real I could hold its hand and feel my tears hit it's sleeve with a nonchalant pit-pat. I'd close my eyes but still feel the dead air, the emptiness where her body used to be, her perfume and old breathe lingering around me in a loose imitation of her. I choked on the lyrics as they streamed from consciousness into reality. "Do what you want, cause I'll do anything, I'll take the blame/What's mine is yours, you can have all of it, I learned to beg" I mumbled the lyrics I'd forgotten, using her name and mine as convenient placeholders, then yelped the words I did know with desperation. "I know where you are running to, please come back, come back again/I know the truth when it's coming from you, please come back, oh come back again" My breathe was strong, and I ached for her to hear me somehow, to revel in a moment of serpentine telepathy, but I knew it wouldn’t happen, and it was ultimately better that way. This was the Last Hurrah of who were both were. "In your endless summer night, I'll be on the other side, when you're beautiful and dying, all the world that you've denied." And she certainly was beautiful. "When the water is too deep I will ease your suffering, when the glitter fades in morning turn away and you will find my empty eyes, your beauty blinds" I ended it on a repeat, a broken record of the last lines, singing them and repeating them so much that they'd be synchronized into my heart. Every fiber of my being constantly living and dying each slow century of the words. "I know that you are rotten to the core, I know that you don't love me anymore/I can't be near you, the light just radiates." This was my swan song, my curtain call. My requiem for the both of us. I buried myself as deep as I could in it, until I found a space in myself that was as vacant and abandoned as the night "I can't be near you, the light just radiates" It ended with an ear-piercing silence, just like everything else.
Trend-line paradox in Excel charts?
The trend is very nearly flat and the slight adjustment in going from order 5 to order 6 changed the trend from an extremely slow decrease to an extremely slow increase, but the size of the adjustment was not greater than would be reasonable in moving from order 5 to order 6.
Which one of these girls is prettier?? why?
If i were a lezbian i would totally date Kelsey!! and she is the prettiest, I have a think for brunettes maybe thats why i think she is cute?
I was given a french horn but I haven't a clue as to how to play it...?
I'm a sax player and the french horn is already quite a challenge. I was given one by my uncle and I have been trying to play it but when I blow into it I get about 3 different pitches. Am I just creating different octaves because I'm losing air support? How do octaves on a french horn work? Anyone who plays and has any tips on how I can learn a simple scale or two (I have the charts) I'd really appreciate it!
Have Christians ever apologized for their role in the Temperance movement & Prohibition?
and for the families that suffer from the abusive drunk father or husband, or the negligent mother who is out bar hopping while grandma or sitter raises them, or the son who was killed in the car wreck by the drunk driver or perhaps is spending his life behind bars because he was that drunk driver or your daughters the topless joke on video thanks to the party last week, or d when she was just having some fun... kids in need of items and normal life but thanks to needin that 12 pack or that fifth dads spent the money and doesn't show up for the game...on and on the scenarios go....3% possible good compared to the 97% bad it brings...thank God if you were fortunate enough to escape a life that wasn't damaged by alcohol..not everyone is that lucky
Rate my fantasy team?
Well...I am guessing this is maybe a 4 team league? In that case...your bats are solid...but your pitching is horrendous.
What is the name for the footwear fitted with rudimentary wings as worn by certain Greek and Roman gods?
You see this depicted with Gods like Hermes, Mercury and Iris - either winged sandals or winged boots. The term for this footwear is TALARIA. I only know this because it would be such a terrific way to beat the traffic into work and I have seached high and low for a pair. No luck though. They never seem to have them in my size. I guess the Gods must have big feet.
Yes or No for these celebs (poll for teens)?
OMGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!… IAM IN LOVE WTH JOSH HUTCHERSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…
How to stop a friend from too much ?
I'm a junior at UW-Madison and it's a pretty big party school. There are always tons of frat parties down Langdon street and my best friend dishes out to me all her dirty stories and I'm a little worried about her. Sometimes she has with up to 4 different people on nights she goes out. This isn't what concerns me though, because we're in college and like to have fun and whatnot, but she tells the guys she gets intimate with that they can in her without a condom and no protection. How can I get her to use protection before something bad happens?
Can anti-gay marriage hurt people?
That is so sad. I can't imagine the pain that family must be experiencing. Yes, the anti gay marriage movement hurts people.
Has anyone ever held a televised debate with the BCS committee in the room on the need for playoffs?
I've heard all of the arguments against having a playoff system (would hurt players involved in playing too many games, would make the regular season less important, would leave less for radio talk shows to talk about), but I've never heard them give their stupid answers with someone to answer back at them. Has that ever happened? I'd love to see how they justify their positions.
Pagans/Wiccans/Witches etc, how did you discover your faith?
Just like every other weak minded individual. They needed a crutch. Some people need things to "ist" them through everyday life like: god, coke, weed, cigarettes, liquor, religion, etc. When people learn to stand on their own two feet, then that's when religion - all religions, will end.
Soccer diet booster ?
Ok i just started soccer and i was thinking maybe i could lose some weight... so im going to start drinking powerade option instead of cokes or any other drinks and not eating so many snacks... good idea ? OH but i cant stop drinkin red bulls. =] LOVE EM. im 15 yrs old 5'11 197lbs
New PPV - 7 DEADLY SINS (I made it up)?
Hey that actually sounds pretty cool. You've put alot of thought into this. Yes, i'd watch this type of PPV.
Gaming company?
With the risk of you thinking that I am completly insane, I will present you the full story : I just love video games, so, I want to make a gaming company, that could complete with Electronic Arts, I know how I will name it, I don't know what my first game will be about, I know a little bit about programing in HTML and Turbo Pascal and i have a slight ideea about how to make a video game. Please help me! Any kind of help is useful! And please don't post messages like "dude, your mad!" or something like it.
To those who believe in hellfire...?
I think believing in Hellfire is like saying it is okay for a child to stay with an abusive parent who neglects the childs basic care needs and acts that way because somewhere, deepdown He/she 'loves' that child and has the childs welfare in mind. I don't think so.
How to train and correct a soft GSD?
I have a 1 year old German Shepherd, and if I even give him a slight verbal correction like "uh-uh" it is enough to make him cower and urinate. I have had him since he was a puppy, and he has never been abused or in any tramatic situation that I know of. He is good on basic commands, like sit, stay, down, and come, but if I even go to grab his collar, he will cower and urinate. I have no idea how to really correct him because of the urination and fear he shows. I would love to be able to work with him without him cowering and urinating every time something slight startles or scares him. The constant urination is very annoying. How can I make it stop?
In USC last championship game what was the score and who beat them?
Hey you know Oklahoma chokes big games did it this year. Didn't USC loose to Washington this year? Remember your team is not invincible.
How would you react to a dance of giant WWE divas?
The WWE divas Mickie James, Melina Perez, Candice Michelle, and Victoria are giants on a beach, and the big WWE beauties shake it wildy, and you, and your friends watch them shake their big o s, and bellies.
I love healthy food but always seem to go to junk food instead(im very skinny but would like to keep like that?
Ok so i am 13 and very skinny! But my step-dad is not so much on the skinny side, we have a lot of junk food in the house because of him. I love salad and gs or any fruits and veggies for that matter. But whenever I open the pantry it is the junk food I seem to grab.My friend always says that kids have low metabolism but adults always say that what they ate as a kid kicked in in the later years...When i am eating candy or pretzels or any junk i know i should be eating healthy food. But eating gs and apples over and over get pretty boring. Do you have any recipes that are short and very healthy?Like smoothies,salads,deserts.ANYTHING HEALTHY. That do NOT include tomatoes or asparagus! lol
How I can be stop changing YouTube user names or deleting my videos?
On September 23, 2007, my younger sister, Lauren started to join on YouTube and she have four videos right now. I started to join on YouTube on September 24, 2007 and later, I had 100 videos uploaded but later, I deleted all my videos. Later, at many times, I changed my mind that I always changed my user name so often like thousand times and I also deleted my videos so often. My sister never be same as me she likes to keep her account and her videos for almost two years. I saw many channels and videos users uploaded their videos stay to be like three years or some users closed their accounts and deleted their videos. But now, I feel so bad for me that I think I was very wrong and I think I am weird because I always changing my user names and deleting my videos. Please help let me try to make me impulsive in the future if I create new account and upload new videos to make me same as Lauren to keep them like two years or over and not change user names or delete videos often?
荒野は何ですか?Wer waren das Heideland? 沼澤是誰??
私はすでに荒野が何なのか知っています--しかし、荒野のための英国の語の中にのよう… Maurs (この宇宙の元の人たち)は普遍的な法律を習得しました。 彼らはアラー、神、及びGodessesでした。 それらは血統を純粋に保つために姉妹たち及び兄弟たちで「それ」を作りました。 荒野から、日本人〔日本語〕が一緒にアステカ人〔アステカ語〕及び他たちのいくらかを… ムーアの親族〔関係〕でいない唯一のものは白人です。その人はアトランティスとPan… .... そして 爆発が発生した 私がすでに...言いすぎたと思う それで 私に…
Is the ice cream factory in mount vernon locked down?
my dad said that the ice cream factory is locked down and now it sells jamaican food i told him it always sold jamaican food and he said it never did so is the ice cream factory locked down
Have a micro-managing boss? what do you do?
anyone ever have a boss who seems to think "nothing" can get done right without their input? people with 10,15,20 yrs experience are questioned during the course of the day...everyday... examples: are you ready?...yes...did you check everything?...yes...make sure you have everything you need...thanks...i do. no one takes this personally, they know they are dealing with a big ego. i'm talking big time narcissistic....ever been there? what did you do?
Monday, January 2, 2012
Can we find out if his email is being checked else where??
My boyfriend has a crazy ex-girlfriend... and after his myspace account was deleted (mysteriously) and now somethings i have sent to him on his personal email (a video i made) has been deleted and now we can't even log onto open his account because it says the pword/username was changed!! We were about to change his pword to see if that help but now he can't even so that... so my question is how can I see what computers have accessed his email other then his... educated answers apprictiaed and thank you in advance!!!
Is it true that Non Muslims who are caught in Mecca are executed or is this not true?
I only know of one who went to Mecca. He was a Hindu and they beat him almost to death. It is a religion so flawed that no one should give it more attention than is necessary to protect one's life. Love the people, hate the religion.
Should I thin my hair professionally? What are the risks/consequences?
I have quite thick hair currently, and I'm interested in getting it professionally thinned with thinning shears. Right now I only have a few layers and my hair is relatively long and a light brown. Should I get it done?
Should atheism or agnosticism be a prerequisite for admissions to college?
I think atheism or agnosticism might be a bit much because then you would have to allow all beliefs. I do think philosophy might be a good prereq though, it gave me a good idea of where other cultures are coming from no matter how far out there they seemed to me. Unfortunately you have to go into these type of cles with an open mind which isn't the case for many. I do agree that people need to be a bit more open because it would reduce alot of conflict if people just showed a little more respect and understanding.
Are twins a possibility?
I am pregnant with No. 4 and I started showing very early 8 weeks! I didn't show with my others until around 4 months. I know I am expecting 1 but I still can't believe how big I am. You are experiencing lots of nausea which can be a sign of twins, I am a little worse than I was with my others but not as bad as you. I think Identical twins can occur without it being in the family where as non identical can run in families. Also it depends how old you are - over 36 and you are more likely to have twins. When do you have your ultrasound? you should find out then.
How do i clean my black converse?
Well you're most likely gonna have to use warm soapy water or Comet. Comet works best; especially on the white part. I wouldn't suggest throwing them in the washer.
My steri tapes are falling off 'early', what should i do?
I just had ACL surgery a week and a half ago, and the surgeon told me 7 days ago to leave my steri tapes on for 10 days and take them off, but they're already starting to fall off, should i try to keep them on using bandages or just let them be?
Is South Park and their creators hypocritical about premarital and abortion?
i don't think you should look into this that much. the creators made a show about them sticking their junk in a microwave to get some weed. i find it hilarious, but it is south park. if you think about it, its all barbaric. just dont take it personal
Is there ever an instance where the USA should use WMD, nuclear or otherwise?
I don't think there is ever a time when WMD should be deployed. Despite down scaling the level of wmd world wide we still have enough to destroy the world many times over. WMD are not good for so called targetted killing as it will kill many inocent civilians in its wake. Hiroshima and Nagasaki are both testamount to that and they were relatively small primitive wmd. Also, as soon as one country uses one, it is highly likely that weapons will be launched in response. And that really is end of the world stuff.
Hamster Bite induced swelling?
I got bitten by my hamster on my right pinkie. Its swelling really bad. It started to swell on the spot I was bitten, but now the swelling has spread to the whole finger. I would like to know whats wrong with my finger.
Why do many religious people (of different faiths) think that science is supposed to be deductive...?
I couldn't agree more, and I've never disputed that scientific investigation is inductive. But when people start claiming Darwinian evolution is a fact, they are then implying that Darwinian theory is exclusively deductive, but an objective examination of the hypothesis clearly indicates that it is not. Additionally, many naturalists, atheists, and agnostics speak of science as if it is omniscient, infallible, and entirely deductive, but honest and intelligent people--the ones who really care about upholding the integrity of scientific inquiry, freely admit science isn't the only theory of knowledge that determines all truth and admit its limitations. So what I think you're seeing is only a sort of backlash against all these pronouncements of scientism, mixed in with misunderstandings of the inherent nature of science itself.
I really like this one boy and everyone says i am pretty aand that he likes me to but i dont see it...?
well okay like we will talk i guess and everyone says he likes me.... i am fourteeen
I guess give him like a pionite slow kiss and kiss again and slowly trying working your way into his mouth if your sitting alone then get on top of him still sitting and put your arms around his neck, but if he isn't comforatble since the shyness he may be afraid to go to the next level, he also may be afraid that he is bad at it
Where can i watch the movie invincible for free without downloading it?
I found it at a href="http://www.grabode.com." rel="nofollow"http://www.grabode.com./a No dl required.
My plant was brutalized by neighbors dog. What can I do?
call the animal dept in ur city to come pickup the neighbors dog n use the reason that it is a nuisance n a danger to u n ur property n ur pets n ur children [if any]!! show them where it is getting in n tell the officer that u have requested personally that the neighbor do something about it n they have ignored ur requests. doent everything u can.
This is a continuation of another question.?
Your statements are obvious but your question is unclear. You're really writing a blog and will be better read if you present it that way.
Why do people hate John Cena and not Randy Orton?
they're both from the same generation so what makes Orton more special than Cena, just because he's the son and grandson of legends? cena may have four moves but orton only has three: rear chinlock, a lame backbreaker and a lame RKO that's nowhere near the real Diamond Cutter
Help! Nike+, ipod, FASTEST speed ?!?
I would call 1-800-806-6453 opt. 1 opt 1 again. they are nike+ agents that are always willing to help, i worked there so i know. hope this helps.
Give the scriptures which support the ordination of women.?
I asked a previous, similar question about the reasoning behind why some churches ordain women. Most people could only cite Women's Lib, new social norms, or cry about how churches are going astray. Seriously, the churches who decided to ordain women must have used scripture to make their decision, so what did they use? The Methodist Church first ordained women in 1880, the Presbyterian church ordained its first woman in 1893, and the Lutheran church in Sweden started ordaining women in 1958, so it is not Women's Liberation or social norms driving this change.
Roughly how much would it cost to set up a business bank account in America?
My company are planning an expansion from Belfast, Northern Ireland to somewhere in Washington State and we were wanting to know, approximatly how much would it cost to set up business checking and savings accounts?
How to get my boyfriend's dog to sto barking at me without being aggressive?
Maybe you can give the dog a electronic dog training collar as a gift. How does it help? Well, the remote control allows you to apply a vibration or mild shock to the collar in order to let them know you want them to change their behavior. The shock is not enough to hurt the dog, but just enough to get them to pay attention to your commands.
7 weeks and NO symptoms??
Is anyone out there 7 weeks and not expierencing any symptoms? My symptoms are becoming less and less...today, nothing. I had bloodwork done 2 days ago, but my doc hasn't called me back. I'm looking for others going through something similar?
What can I sale for school spirit?
Buy things that just has the school colors on them...what are your school colors? Buy some lip balm from my website or google to buy some things in bulk and then sell them back to the students.
Police officers please answer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
Is it possible for a two year old to remove and fire a glock hand gun from a level three duty holster while being carried by the parent?
Sunday, January 1, 2012
How to go about asking a police officer out?
I don't want responses that won't allow me to give him my contact information, thank-you!==================lol don't go out with him nevertheless and above all don't give him you f.n bye bye!!!!!!!
Tarantula Help????
That is a threatening move . . . be sure you aren't just darting your hand into her space. Move slowly and try to stroke her back a little. If you're really nervous then put on a rubber glove and move her to another container when you clean.
I need true Christan advise on this one?
This the way The people in the Old Testment done there sacrifices before Jesus came. So yes it may sound yuckie, but Thank God we dont have to do that anymore.
Am I obligated to talk to someone who thinks we're really good friends?
just give one word answers to her questions. tell her you need to concentrate in cl so she cannot talk to you during cl.
How do u think we should start abt investing in shares for the 1st time?
ummmm.......to start with i really dont knw nethin abt shares so wat is ur suggestion to start abt it!!! i aint earnin but i hv got some finance!!
How to get cheap looking mocins for indian costume?
Its halloween and i decided to be a native american indian. However i want to acquire a pair of mocin-looking boots or something that can resemble indian footwear. I dont want to spend money on uug's or whatever theyre called im not looking in spending a lot of money?
Is anyone else disturbed by the poor grammar and spelling in many of the questions on here?
Sume peeple cannot spel or tipe out full sentenses. soe what! at leest they wont to get involved an halve some questions ansirred or have alittel funn! so waht?
I need some help on a paper on Wal-Mart?
I'm writing an essay on how walmart harms local economies. can some one give me some links to websites that i can use in a bibliography
What is the title of this fable?? i cant exactly remember what happens in it but ya..?
They did a movie based on a similar theme recently. It was called Click, and starred Adam Sandler. Somebody gave this guy a remote control that could basically control the world around him. he used the fast forward too much and missed his kids growing up, along with most of the important events of a mans life. in the end the guy who gave him the remote takes him back to the time he got it.
Did Liz Hurley and Arun Nayar insulted Hindu marriage tradition and hurt Indian sentiment ?
She probably had no or little knowledge of Hindu culture. I would have to say that Arun Nayar didn't instruct her as to what not to do during the ceremonies. I would blame it on ignorance more than disrespect.
How did Blaise Pascal die?
Am I blood-thirsty for wishing I could have been there? Because I think I owe him a few choice expressions of my gratitude...
How selective are fish (stocked trout) when it comes to breeding?
I've stocked 4 Rainbows and 4 Brookies in a stream near my house and want to know the odds of any of them breeding. Also I have not seen any of them and it is a small stream and I built a dam to hold more water...they could be hiding in a small tunnell or under brush or farther upstream. anyway how many fish do you need to stock for them to breed (on average)?...
What are some really good songs?
Dunno if you like gangsta rap but if you do you should check out Freddie Gibbs. In my opinion he is the best since 2Pac.
More troops died in Iraq, and violence is increasing. How does Obama sleep at night?
Clearly the war is now lost since the insurgents know Obama is weak. They are attacking more and more. Just check out liveleak.com and see all the new jihad videos of our troops being killed. Yet Obama flies to NYC and takes in a Broadway play. Obama does not care about the troops. He lied, and many more will die.
Who has seen the movie trailer for unstoppable?
they showed a spolier to the end of the movie in the new trailer to the movie. they stopped the train
I am going on vacation in Florida-Fort Lauderdale, Miami, possibly the Keys. What should I pack?
I get the basics, just curious what the weather is like in January. Warm enough to swim? Any advice on spots to hit-I am 30 year old female. Ok thanks!
What is a roughly good level for the pokemon league in platinum?
All of them should be lvl. 60. That way the champ won't annoy you to much and your fairly certain a first time win. As to where you can train I would reccomend route 228 with the VS. seeker. Also there are trainers all of Sinnoh whose levels go up every time you rebattle them. To a point anyway.
I'm 18 @ hm, wk 10hrs/wk, can't find a job I want, parents won't pay for college (I won't go to a CC); unfair?
I want to be an animator and there's only ONE school I want to go to. I don't want to get stuck at some Community College. My parents make too much money, but won't co-sign for loans. I have some money in my 529, but it barely pays for 1 qtr of school. They harp on me for not applying to scholarships/grants, but my grades were not the best. I couldn't get the funding I needed for Fall qtr, so I am shooting for WInter now. I work about 10hrs/wk, but can't get more hrs. I've applied for other jobs, but don't want to work fast food, WalMart, or whatever . . I want a job that's enjoyable (i.e. bookstore, game store), but each time I call, they say they aren't hiring, or will call me. My parents nag me all the time to do my chores, get a job, apply for a scholarship . . .it's not as if I haven't tried. I think they are being totally unfair!!! What can I do?
4 months no period and the doctor wont do her job what should we do?
My girlfriend hasnt had her period in 4 months. taken multiple pregnancy tests and the doctor insists shes not pregnant even though she believes its possible and is suprised the results are negative. she has all the symptoms and says she has that feeling of knowing shes pregnant. the doctors said she might olf just miscarried and not bled but still wont give her a sonogram. they keep trying to take percocet and birth control to see if they work but were scared shes pregnant and dont want to hurt the baby. if she took them or fails to get the baby proper attention and something gloes wrong what happens? is there anyway we can get an ultrasound? her mother took multiple pregnancy tests while she was pregnant and they all came out negative also. any info would be greatly appreciated. thhank you so much!
A Christmas Carol Questions?!?!?
ens was born in 1812 and died in 1870; give the math a try. Please read the story; it's quite short, actually.
White bumps on tattoo?
Hey I got a tattoo about a week ago and I have started having complications such as white bumps that look like white pimples they also hurt. I went to the doctor and he put me on antibodies the bumps have clear a little bit but sometimes pus comes out
I need help on Paintball Nitrogen/HPA Tanks?
Newer spyders like the VS series run under 300 psi. You could use a 450 psi output but the 850 is more universal. Go with the 850, anyway.
What if when a gal is hurt?
Recently i declined to a marriage proposal where the girl is beautiful, soft spoken and well educated. The reason was her parents being ill mannered and shabby. The gal cried a lot. After making this blunder, i called her but she is not ready to speak to me. Her parents don't want to see my face. Even now I am unable to swallow down a nibble, because the feeling that she has been hurt strikes me deep inside. I know that things are irreversible now and so i am too much depressed. How should I console myself?
Computer problem... Ls.exe error?
I'm getting the exact same error, exact same memory location. If you google it you'll find other references to this error at this exact memory location, all within the past few days. Could it be a virus?
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